Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants (MCQ’s)

                     PRACTICE SET  I

1. A typical angiosperm anther is ______
and ______
(1) Bilobed, tetrasporangiate
(2) Bilobed, monosporangiate
(3) Bilobed, bisporangiate
(4) Tetralobed, monosporangiate

Ans: (1) Bilobed, tetrasporangiate

2. The innermost wall layer of anther: –
(1) Is nutritive in function
(2) Helps in dehiscence of anther
(3) Is haploid and protective in function
(4) Forms microspores

Ans: (1) Is nutritive in function

3. The process of formation of microspores
from a pollen mother cell is called: –
(1) Megasporogenesis

(2) Microsporogenesis

(3) Megagametogenesis
(4) Microgametogenesis

Ans: (2) Microsporogenesis

4. The pollen grain represents: –
(1) Male gamete
(2) Male gametophyte
(3) Microsporophyll
(4) Microsporangium

Ans: (2) Male gametophyte

5. The most resistant organic material
known which makes up the outermost
Layer of pollen wall is: –
(1) Pectin                 (2) Cellulose
(3) Sporopollenin  (4) Lignin

Ans: (3) Sporopollenin

6. Choose the correct option w.r.t. the
function of the germ pore: –
(1) It allows growth of pollen tube
(2) It allows water absorption in seed
(3) It helps dehiscence of pollen grain
(4) More than one option are correct

Ans: (1) It allows growth of pollen tube

7. The thin and continuous wall layer of
pollen is: –
(1) Exine           (2) Intine
(3) Germ pore  (4) Endothecium

Ans: (2) Intine

8. The two-celled stage of mature pollen
grain consists of: –
(1) Vegetative cell, generative cell
(2) Vegetative cell, one male gamete
(3) Two male gametes
(4) Generative cell, one male gamete

Ans: (1) Vegetative cell, generative cell

9. In 60% angiosperms, the pollen grains are shed at: –
(1) Four-celled stage
(2) Three-celled stage
(3) Two-celled stage
(4) Five-celled stage

Ans: (3) Two-celled stage

10. Pollen allergy is caused by pollens of: –
(1) Rose               (2) Clematis
(3) Parthenium  (4) Sunflower

Ans: (3) Parthenium

11. The pollen viability period of rice and
pea respectively, is: –
(1) 30 minutes and several months
(2) Several months and 30 minutes
(3) Few days and few months
(4) Few days in both the cases

Ans: (1) 30 minutes and several months

12. Which part of the reproductive structure
produces both enzyme & hormones –
(1) Archesporium  (2) middle layer
(3) Tapetum            (4) Endo thecium

Ans: (3) Tapetum

13. Tapetum is: –
(1)Parietal in origin usually the inner
most layer of anther wall.
(2) Modified endothecium of antherwall

(3) Outer most layer of sporogenous
tissue modificat

(4) Parietal in origin and is the inner
most layer of ovule wallion

Ans:(1)Parietal in origin usually the inner
most layer of anther wall.

14. Example of polyploid tissue present in
an angiosperm plant is
(1) Perisperm  (2) Embryo
(3) Tapetum    (4) Placenta

Ans: (3) Tapetum

15. A microspore is a first cell of
(1) Female gametophyte
(2) Male gametophyte
(3) Sporophyte
(4) Anther

Ans:(2) Male gametophyte

16. Anther is generally composed of
(1) One sporangium
(2) Two sporangium
(3) Three sporangium
(4) Four sporangium

Ans: (4) Four sporangium

17. How many cells or nuclei are present in
male gametophyte of angiosperms –
(1) One     (2) Two
(3) Three  (4) Many

Ans: (3) Three

18. How many and what type of male gametes are produced by the male gametophyte of angiosperms
(1) One,, multi-cilliated
(2) Two, biciliated
(3) Two, multi-ciliated
(4) Two, non-motile

Ans:(4) Two, non-motile

19. Most reduced size gametophyte is of

(1) Bryophytes       (2) Pteridophyte

(3) Gymnosperm   (4) Angiosperm

Ans: (4) Angiosperm

20. Essential whorls of a flowers
(1) Calyx and Corolla
(2) Corolla and Gynoecium
(3) Androecium and Gynoecium
(4) All the above

Ans: (2) Corolla and Gynoecium

21. Microsporophyll of Angiosperms is known as:
(1) Androecium   (2) Anther
(3) Filament         (4) Stamen

Ans: (4) Stamen

22. Main function of endothecium (in anther) is:

(1) Mechanical   (2) Nutritive
(3) Dehiscence   (4) None of above

Ans: (3) Dehiscence

23. Which of the following is wrong statement:
(1) Monothecous anthers are found in Malvaceae family
(2) Middle layer is ephemeral
(3) Amoeboid tapetum releases ubisch bodies
(4) Banana is a monocarpic plant

Ans: (3) Amoeboid tapetum releases ubisch bodies

24. Endothecium, middle layer and tapetum in anther are derived from: –
(1) Primary sporogenous layer
(2) Primary parietal layer
(3) Both
(4) None of the above

Ans: (2) Primary parietal layer

25. How many pollen sacs are present in a mature anther?
(1) 4   (2) 1
(3) 3   (4) 2

Ans: (4) 2

26. The special features of the endothecium of anther of angiosperms: –
(1) Radially elongated
(2) Thickening of cellulose
(3) Hygroscopic
(4) All of the above

Ans: (4) All of the above

27. Each sporogenous tissue is potential pollen or microspore mother* cell; division taking place in sporogenous cell is: –
(1) Meiosis            (2) Mitosis
(3) Endomitosis   (4) Amitosis

Ans: (1) Meiosis

28. Pollen grains of many species cause severe allergies & bronchial afflictions in some people often leading to chronic respiratory disorder such as: –
(1) Asthma              (2) Bronchitis
(3) Both (1) & (2)   (4) Emphysema

Ans: (3) Both (1) & (2)

29. In a pollengrain the small cell which is spindle shaped, with dense cytoplasm is: –
(1) Vegetative cell   (2)Generative cell

(3) Tube cell             (4) None

Ans: (2)Generative cell

30. Integumented megasporangium is: –

(1) Ovule             (2) Pollen sac

(3) Pollen grain  (4) Embryo sac

Ans: (1) Ovule


31. The nutritive tissue present in the ovule is called: –
(1) Nucellus   (2) Funicle
(3) Embryo    (4) Integuments

Ans: (1) Nucellus

32. The number of embryo sac in an ovule is generally: –
(1) One     (2) Many
(3) Four   (4) Three

Ans: (1) One

33. The role of triple fusion in angiosperms is to produce: –
(1) Cotyledons    (2) PEN
(3) Endocarp      (4) Seed

Ans: (2) PEN

34. The ploidy level of nucellus and female gametophyte respectively is: –
(1) n, n        (2) n, 2n
(3) 2n, n      (4) 2n, 2n

Ans: (3) 2n, n

35. The number of nuclei in a mature embryo sac are: –
(1) Eight     (2) Seven
(3) Six         (4) Four

Ans: (1) Eight

36. The Largest cell of the mature embryo sac is:
(1) Antipodal cells (2) Synergids

(3) Central cell (4) Egg cell

Ans: (3) Central cell

37. The structures which guide the pollen tube into synergid is:
(1) Antipodals
(2) Germ pore
(3) Aril
(4) Filiform apparatus

Ans: (4) Filiform apparatus

38. Which one is female gametophyte of angiosperm plants
(1) Embryo (2) Embryosac
(3) Endosperm (4) Pistil

Ans:(2) Embryosac

39. The embryo sac of Angiosperm derives it’s nutrition from-
(1) Sporogenous (2) Tapetum
(3) Epithecium (4) Nucellus

Ans: (4) Nucellus

40. The functional megaspore in Polygonum type embryo sac formation belongs to end

(1) Micropylar and (2) Chalazal
(3) funicle (4) Integumgeus

Ans: (2) Chalazal

41. Go through the figure showing a dissected flower of Hibiscus showing pistil.
Identify A, B, C and D repectively.

(1) Hilum.carpel, ovary and thalamus
(2) Stigma, style, ovary and thalamus
(3) Anther, style, ovary and placenta
(4) Stigma, style, Gynophore and anthopore

Ans: (2) Stigma, style, ovary and thalamus

42. Just before fertilization, the dip.: .: structure in the ovule of Angiosperm ij
(1) Pollen tube
(2) Secondary nucleus
(3) Synergids
(4) Antipodals

Ans: (2) Secondary nucleus

43. Filiform apparatus are found in
(1) Antipodal cell
(2) Egg cell
(3) Secondary nucleus
(4) Synergids

Ans: (4) Synergids

44. Megasporophyll is called:

(1) Gynoecium (2) Carpel

(3) Ovary (4) Stigma

Ans: (2) Carpel

45. Which structure of the ovule will change after fertilization?
(1) Embryosac
(2) Integuments
(3) Central cell
(4) All of the above

Ans: (4) All of the above

46. The type of cells under going meiosis in the flowers are
(1) Microspore mother cell & megaspore mother cell
(2) Ovule & stamen
(3) Tapetal cells
(4) Placental cell

Ans: (1) Microspore mother cell & megaspore mother cell

47. A typical angiosperm embryosac at maturity have:
(1) 7 celled – 8 nucleate
(2) 9 celled – 7 nucleate
(3) 3 celled – 3 nucleate
(4) 2 celled – 2 nucleate

Ans: (1) 7 celled – 8 nucleate

48. Arising from placenta megasporangium which is common^ known as:
(1) Ovule
(2) Ovary
(3) Ovarian cavity
(4) Stamen

Ans: (1) Ovule

49. Geitonogamy is: –
(1) Genetically Self Pollination
(2) Ecologically Self Pollination
(3) Genetically cross Pollination
(4) Functionally cross Pollination

Ans: (1) Genetically Self Pollination

50. Which of the following plant provides safe place to insect for laying eggs?
(1) Sage plant
(2) Amorphophallus
(3) Ophrys
(4) Mango

Ans: (1) Sage plant

51. Examples of water pollinated flowers are :
(1) Zostera, Lotus, water lily
(2) Lotus, Vallisneria, Hydrilla
(3) Potamogeton, Vallisneria, Lotus
(4) Vallisneria, Hydrilla, Zostera

Ans: (4) Vallisneria, Hydrilla, Zostera

52. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of insect pollinated flowers?
(1) Fragrance
(2) Nectaries
(3) Foul odour
(4)Mucilaginous covering on pollen grains

Ans: (4)Mucilaginous covering on pollen grains

53. After culturing the anther of a plants few diploid plant were got along with haploid plant. Which of the following part might have given rise to diploid plant –
(1) Vegetative cell of pollen
(2) Exine of pollen wall
(3) Cells of anther wall
(4) Generative cell of pollen

Ans: (3) Cells of anther wall

54. Which type of gametes are present in angiosperms?
(1) Flagellated
(2) Motile
(3) Non-motile
(4) None of these

Ans: (3) Non-motile

55. Cleistogamous flower produce assured seed-set even in the absence of pollinator, why?
(1) Because they have fragrance
(2) Because they remain open
(3) Because they are autogamous
(4) Because they are coloured

Ans: (3) Because they are autogamous

56. Repeated self pollination over the generation produces:
(1) New species
(2) Better progenies
(3) Inbreeding depression
(4) Elimination of weak traits

Ans: (1) New species

57. Chasmogamy refers to the condition where
(1) Flowers remains closed
(2) Flowers absent
(3) Flowers open
(4) Flowers gamopetalous

Ans: (3) Flowers open

58. When pollen grains of a flower are transferred to stigma of another flower on a different plant, the process is called –
(1) Geitonogamy (2) Xenogamy
(3) Autogamy (4) Homogamy

Ans: (2) Xenogamy

59. When anther and stigma mature at the same time is called as
(1) Dichogamy (2) Allogamy
(3) Xenogamy (4) Homogamy

Ans: (4) Homogamy

60. Self-pollination means
(1) Transfer of pollen from anthers to stigma in the same flowers
(2) Transfer of pollen from one flowers to another on the different plant
(3) Occurrence of male and female sex organ in the same flowers
(4) Germination of pollen

Ans: (1) Transfer of pollen from anthers to stigma in the same flowers

61. Maize is best example of:
(1) Anemophily      (2) Ornithophily
(3) Entomophily    (4) Hydrophily

Ans: (1) Anemophily

62. The most common mode of pollination is –
(1) Entomophily    (2) Anemophily
(3) Hydrophily      (4) None of the above

Ans: (1) Entomophily

63. Insect pollinated flowers usually possess
(1) Brightly coloured pollens in large quantity
(2) Dry pollens with smooth surface
(3) Sticky pollen and rough surface stigma
(4) Light coloured scented pollen covered with nectar

Ans: (3) Sticky pollen and rough surface stigma


64. A close relation between a flower and a pollinating agent is best examplified by

(1) Cocos        (2) Salvia
(3) Yucca       (4) Avena

Ans: (1) Cocos

65. Chasmo-cliestogamous flowers are present in:
(1) Viola (common pansy)
(2) Oxalis
(3) Commelina
(4) All the above
Ans: (4) All the above

66. The central cell after triple fusion becomes the: –

(1) PEC         (3) Endosperm
(2) PEN        (4) Embryo

Ans: (1) PEC

67. Which is the most logical sequence with reference to the life cycle of angiosperm
(1) Germination, endosperm formation, seed dispersal, double fertilization.
(2) Cleavage, fertilization, grafting, fruit formation
(3)Pollination fertilization, seed formation & germination

(4) Maturation, mitosis, differentiation

Ans: (3)Pollination fertilization, seed formation & germination

68. The diploid and triploid product of double fertilization respectively are:-
(1) Zygote and primary endosperm nucleus
(2) Endosperm and cotyledons
(3) Embryo and perisperm
(4) Zygote and scutellum

Ans: (1) Zygote and primary endosperm nucleus

69. Pollen robbers: –
(1) Consume pollen or nectar
(2) Are effective in bringing about pollination
(3) Do not visit flowers for pollen
(4) Take pollen from other insects

Ans: (1) Consume pollen or nectar

70. Dioecious condition prevents: –
(1) Autogamy           (2) Geitonogamy
(3) Xenogamy         (4) Both (1) & (2)

Ans: (4) Both (1) & (2)

71. Double endosperm is found in: –

(1) Wheat       (2) Rice
(3) Pea            (4) Coconut

Ans: (4) Coconut

72. Free nuclear division in an angiosperm takes place during
(1) Gamete formation
(2) Endosperm formation
(3) Embryo formation
(4) Flower formation

Ans: (1) Gamete formation

73. The single cotyledon in monocots is: –
(1) Scutellum which is lateral in position
(2) Aleurone layer which is terminal in position
(3) Scutellum which is centrally placed
(4) Epiblast which is haploid and lateral in position

Ans: (1) Scutellum which is lateral in position

74. The sheath enclosing plumule and radicle respectively in monocot seed are: –
(1) Coleoptile and coleorhiza
(2) Coleorhiza and coleoptile
(3) Scutellum and epiblast
(4) Aleurone layer and pericarp

Ans: (1) Coleoptile and coleorhiza

75. Single shield shape cotyledon of grass is known as:
(1) Tigellum        (2) Scutellum
(3) Coleoptile     (4) None

Ans: (2) Scutellum

76. Epicotyl has a shoot apex and few leaf primordia enclosed in a hollow foliar structure known as: –
(1) Coleoptide      (2) Coleorhiza
(3) Scutellum      (4) Tigellum

Ans: (1) Coleoptide

77. Ex-albuminous seeds are found in: –
(1) Wheat, pea, groundnut
(2) Castor, pea, groundnut
(3) Pea, groundnut, beans
(4) Wheat, castor, rice

Ans: (3) Pea, groundnut, beans

78. Perispermic seeds are: –
(1) Castor, sunflower
(2) Black pepper, beet
(3) Maize, beet
(4) Barley, maize

Ans: (3) Maize, beet

79. Perisperm is
(1) Persistant nucellus in seed
(2) Ovule wall
(3) Ovule coat
(4) Fossil of haustoria

Ans: (1) Persistant nucellus in seed

80. Micropyle in seed helps in the entry of

(1) Male gamete      (2) Pollen tube

(3) Water & air        (4) All

Ans: (3) Water & air

81. Although in most of species fruits are result of fertilisation, there are a few species in which fruit develop without fertilisation – process is known as:
(1) Parthenocarpy
(2) Parthenogenesis
(3) Amphimixis
(4) Apomixis

Ans: (1) Parthenocarpy

82. Non-albuminous seeds are present in: –
(1) Pisum (Pea)
(2) Ground nut (Arachis)
(3) Both
(4) None

Ans: (3) Both

83. In many plants, the sexual reproduction replaced by asexual reproduction it is called

(1) Semigamy      (2) Apospory
(3) Apomixis       (4) Amphimixis

Ans: (3) Apomixis

84. Production of seed without fertilization is called: –
(1) Parthenocarpy
(2) Parthenogenesis
(3) Apomixis
(4) Apogamy

Ans: (3) Apomixis

85. Which of the following is a parthenocarpy fruit?
(1) Banana         (2) Apple
(3) Strawberry  (4) Pomegranate

Ans: (1) Banana

                                    PRACTICE SET  II

1. Pollen grains are generally in  outline measuring micrometers  in diameter: –

(1) Spherical, 25-50      (2) Oblong, 25-50

(3) Oval, 10-25              (4) Spherical, 75-100

Ans: (1) Spherical, 25-50

2. The vegetative cell is: –

(1) Small, has large irregularly shaped nucleus

(2) Large, has large irregularly shaped nucleus
(3) Large with spindle shaped nucleus
(4) Small, spindle shaped nucleus

Ans: (2) Large, has large irregularly shaped nucleus

3. Choose the odd one w.r.t. gynoecium: –

(1) Gynoecium represents the female reproductive part of flower
(2) The gynoecium may be syncarpous
(3) The number of ovules in papaya and mango is one
(4) The ovules are attached to placenta.

Ans: (3) The number of ovules in papaya and mango is one

4. The number of mitotic generations  required to form a mature embryo sac in  most of the flowering plants is: –

(1) One              (2) Two

(3) Three           (4) Four

Ans: (3) Three

5. The types of flowers which always produce seeds even in the absence of
pollinators: –
(1) Chasmogamous flowers       (2) Cleistogamous flowers

(3) Bisexual flowers                    (4) Unisexual flowers

Ans:  (2) Cleistogamous flowers

6. The type of pollination which brings  genetically different types of pollen on the stigma is: –
(1) Autogamy                    (2) Xenogamy
(3) Geitonogamy              (4) Cleistogamy

Ans: (2) Xenogamy

7. Feathery stigma and versatile anthers are characteristic of: –

(1) Wind pollinated flowers                (2) Insect pollinated flowers

(3) Water pollinated flowers              (4) Bat pollinated flowers

Ans: (1) Wind pollinated flowers

8. Hydrophily is limited to 30 genera which
are mostly: –
(1) Gymnosperms           (2) Monocots

(3) Dicots                         (4) More than one option is correct

Ans: (2) Monocots

9. Common floral reward provided by plants to pollinator are: –

(1) Nector and pollen                 (2) Pollen and enzymes
(3) Hormones and nectar         (4) All of these

Ans: (1) Nector and pollen

10. Pollen pistil interaction is: –

(1) Chemically mediated process
(2) Dynamic process
(3) Genetically controlled process
(4) More than one option is correct

Ans: (4) More than one option is correct

11. The cylindrical portion below the level of
cotyledons on embryonal axis is: –
(1) Epicotyl           (2) Hypocotyl

(3) Radicle           (4) Plumule

Ans: (2) Hypocotyl

12. Suitable environmental conditions for
seed germination are: –
(1) Adequate moisture, light, anaerobic conditions                (2) Adequate moisture, low temperature, light

(3) Adequate moisture, suitable temperature and oxygen     (4) Light, water, absence of oxygen

Ans: (3) Adequate moisture, suitable temperature and oxygen

13. Pericarp is dry in: –

(1) Guava, mango, mustard              (2) Mango, groundnut, orange

(3) Groundnut, mustard                  (4) Orange, guava, mango

Ans: (3) Groundnut, mustard

14. Mark the incorrect statement: –
(1) Outer three layers of anther wall are protective in function
(2) Sporogenous tissue, occupies the centre of each microsporangium
(3) Cells of tapetum and endothecium show increase in DNA contents by endomitosis and polyteny
(4) Ploidy level of microspore tetrad is haploid

Ans: (3) Cells of tapetum and endothecium show increase in DNA contents by endomitosis and polyteny

15. Which of the following statement is applicable for all flowering plants?
(1) Monosiphonous pollen tube
(2) Non-motile and morphologically dissimilar gemetes
(3) Presence of pollinium
(4) Division of generative cell after pollination

Ans: (2) Non-motile and morphologically dissimilar gemetes

16. Which is incorrect statement?
I. Each cell of sporogenous tissue in anther is capable of giving rise to microspore tetrad.
II. The pollen grain represent male gametophyte.
III. Pollen grains are usually triangular and 10-15 mm in diameter.
IV. Sporopollenin in one of the most resistance organic material which can be destroyed only by strong acids and alkali.
(1) I, II are incorrect but III, IV are correct
(2) III, IV are incorrect but I, II are correct
(3) I, III are incorrect but II, IV are correct
(4) I, IV are correct but I, III are incorrect

Ans: (2) III, IV are incorrect but I, II are correct

17. In papaya, male and female flowers are present on different plants. It permits: –
(1) Autogamy
(2) Geitonogamy
(3) Both autogamy and geitonogamy
(4) Xenogamy

Ans: (4) Xenogamy

18. Examine the figure given below and select the right option giving all the four parts a, b, c and d Correctly identify: –
a b c d
(1) Endothecium Tapetum Microspore mother cell Middle layers
(2) Tapetum Endothecium Microspore mother cell Middle layers
(3) Endothecium Middle layer Tapetum Microspore mother cell
(4) Endothecium Microspore mother layer Middle layer Tapetum

Ans: (3) Endothecium Middle layer Tapetum Microspore mother cell

19. Examine the figure given below and select the right option giving all the four parts a, b, c and d Correctly identify: –d

a b c d
(1) Synergids Antipodal cells Polar nuclei Filiform apparatus
(2) Filiform apparatus Egg Polar nuclei Nucellus
(3) (4) Filiform apparatus Synergids Synergids Polar Nuclei Polar nuclei Filiform apparatus Antipodal cell Antipodal pell

Ans: (3)

20. The devices to discourage self pollination are:
(1) Pollen release and sigma receptivity is not synchronised
(2) Anther and stigma are placed at different position
(3) Rejection of pollen by stigma of the same flowers
(4) All of these

Ans: (4) All of these

21. In monoecious plant like castor and maize:-
(1) Autogamy and allogamy are not prevented
(2) Geitonogamy is prevented
(3) Autogamy is not prevented
(4) Geitonogamy is not prevented

Ans: (4) Geitonogamy is not prevented

22. Select incorrect statement (w.r.t. artificial hybridisation): –
(1) Emasculation is removal of anther in their mature condition from bisexual flower
(2) Emasculation is not required in male sterile plants
(3) Unisexual female flower is bagged in bud condition to prevent contamination
(4) Emasculated flowers are bagged in bud condition

Ans: (1) Emasculation is removal of anther in their mature condition from bisexual flower

23. Which of the following incorrect statement: –
(1) Double fertilization is unique to angiosperms
(2) Sequoia, a gymnosperm, is one of the tallest tree
(3) Exine has apertures where sporopollenin is present
(4) Exine of pollen grains is made up of sporopollenin

Ans: (3) Exine has apertures where sporopollenin is present


Examine the figure given below and select the right option giving all the four parts a, b, c and d. Correct Oidentify: –
a b c d
(1) Suspensor Radicle Cotyledons Plumule
(2) Plumule Cotyledons Radicle Suspensor
(3) Suspensor Plumule Radicle Cotyledons
(4) Radicle Plumule Cotyledons Suspensor

Ans: (1) Suspensor Radicle Cotyledons Plumule

25. Examine the figure given below and select the right option giving all the four parts a, b, c and d. Correctly identify: –b
(1) a Coleoptile b c d
Scutellum Radicle Coleorrhiza
Coleorrhiza Radicle Scutellum Coleoptile
(3) Scutellum Coleorrhiza Radicle Coleoptile
(4) Radicle Scutellum Coleoptile Suspensor

Ans: (1)

26. Choose the correct option from the following-
I. Dehydration and dormancy of mature seed are crucial for seed storage.
II. Seed of Lupinus arcticus is the oldest one which germinated after 2000 year
III. Orchid seed is one of largest seed in plant kingdom
IV. Seeds of parasitic plants Orobanche and Striga are tiny seeds.
(1) I, II are correct but III, IV are incorrect
(2) I, IV are correct but II, III are incorrect
(3) III, IV are correct but I, II are incorrect
(4) II, III are correct but I, IV are incorrect

Ans: (2) I, IV are correct but II, III are incorrect

27. Examine the figure given below and select the right option giving all the four parts a, b, c and d. Correct identify:

a b c d
(1) Thalamus Seed Endocarp Mesocarp
(2) Thalamus Seed Mesocarp Endocarp
(3) Mesocarp Seed Endocarp Thalamus
(4) Endocarp Seed Thalamus Mesocarp

Ans: (1) Thalamus Seed Endocarp Mesocarp

28. Choose the correct option from the following statements: –
I. Apomixis is form of asexual reproduction which mimics sexual reproduction.
II. In Apomixis seeds develop either from diploid egg cell or from cells of nucellus.
III. Seeds collected from hybrids plant maintain hybrid character for a longer times.
IV. In Apomixis, there is segregation of character
(1) All are correct
(2) All are correct
(3) Only I and II are correct
(4) Only II, IV are correct

Ans: (3) Only I and II are correct


29. Pollen tube develops from
(1) Generative cell
(2) Male gametes
(3) Vegetative cell
(4) Vegetative nucleus

Ans: (3) Vegetative cell

30. Longest pollen tube is found in: (1) Wheat (2) Maize
(3) Barley (4) Rice

Ans: (2) Maize

31. Tegmen of the seed develops from:
(1) Perisperm
(2) Funiculum
(3) Inner integument
(4) uter integument

Ans: (3) Inner integument

32. Example of Epihydrophily is: –
(1) Zostera (2) Vallisneria
(3) Ceratophyllum (4) Nymphea

Ans: (2) Vallisneria

33. Pollination in Yucca plant takes place by: (1) Honey bee (2) Butter fly
(3) Pronuba (4) Bird

Ans: (3) Pronuba

34. The primary Endosperm nucleus in Polygonum type of Embryosac is:
(1) Haploid (2) Diploid
(3) Triploid (4) Tetraploid

Ans: (3) Triploid

35. Which of the following nuclei participate in double fertilization?
(1) The egg
(2) The secondary nucleus
(3) The two male nuclei
(4) All of the above

Ans: (4) All of the above

36. Perisperm is –
(1) Degenerate secondary nucleus
(2) Remnant of nucellus
(3) Peripheral part of endosperm
(4) Degenerate synergids

Ans: (2) Remnant of nucellus

37. The main embryo developed from the structure formed as a result of
(1) Double fertilization
(2) Triple fusion
(3) Syngamy
(4) fusion of two polar nuclei of an embryosac

Ans: (3) Syngamy

38. After fertilization the outer integument of ovule changes into –
(1) Testa (2) Tegmen
(3) Fruit (4) Seed

Ans: (1) Testa

39. In angiosperms, the pollen tube enters through the micropyle, therefore fertilization is –
(1) Porogamous (2) Chalazogamous
(3) Mesogamous (4) Basigamous

Ans: (1) Porogamous

40. After fertilization, the seed is developed from –
(1) Ovule (2) Ovary
(3) Embryo (4) Endosperm

Ans: (1) Ovule


41. Double fertilization means –
(1) Fusion of male gametes and ovum
(2) Fusion of two polar bodies
(3) A male gamete fused with egg and second male gamete fused with secondary nucleus
(4) All the above

Ans: (3) A male gamete fused with egg and second male gamete fused with secondary nucleus

42. Development of embryo occurs from –
(1) Two polar nuclei of embryosac
(2) Secondary nucleus and male gametes
(3) Egg cell and male gamete
(4) Synergids

Ans: (3) Egg cell and male gamete

43. The fusion product of polar nuclei and male gamete is :-
(1) Nucellus
(2) Primary endosperm nucleus
(3) Zygote
(4) Secondary nucleus

Ans: (2) Primary endosperm nucleus

44. When a diploid male plant is crossed with a tetraploid female plant, the endosperm will be :
(1) Diploid (2) Triploid
(3) Tetraploid (4) Pentaploid

Ans: (3) Tetraploid

45. Stigma of the entomophilous flower is: -(1) Sticky (2) Rough
(3) Hairy (4) Smooth

Ans: (2) Rough

46. Synergids help in –
(1) Pollen entry into embryosac
(2) Endosperm formation
(3) Embryosac nutrition
(4) Both (1) & (3)

Ans: (4) Both (1) & (3)

47. Go through the following statements :
I. Flowers are small. They are often packed in inflorescence.
II. Flowers are colourless, nectarless and odouless
III. Well exposed stamens
IV. Pollen grains are produced in large numbers which are light and non-sticky
V. Flower often have a single ovule in each ovary
VI. Stigma is large and often feathery The above contrivances favour :
(1) Cross pollination
(2) Anemophily (pollination by wind)
(3) Ornithophily (pollination by birds)
(4) Entemophily (pollination by insects)

Ans: (2) Anemophily (pollination by wind)


48. The function of suspensor is –
(1) To provide water
(2) To provide oxygen
(3) To thrust the embryo towards endosperm to provide more food
(4) To suck food

Ans: (3) To thrust the embryo towards endosperm to provide more food
49. Tigellum is known as –
(1) Testa
(2) Tegmen
(3) Both of the above
(4) Main axis of the embryo

Ans: (4) Main axis of the embryo

50. Haploid, diploid and triploid conditions respectively can be traced in –
(1) Egg, Nucellus, Endosperm
(2) Antipodal, Egg, Endosperm
(3) Endosperm, Nucellus, Synergids
(4) Antipodal, Synergids & Integuments

Ans: (1) Egg, Nucellus, Endosperm

51. If the leaf of Angiospermic plant has 46 number of chromosomes then how many chromosomes number will be there in endosperm –
(1) 46 (2) 23
(3) 69 (4) 138

Ans: (3) 69

52. If the nucellus cell of an angiosperm contains 24 chromosomes the number of chromosomes present in pollen grain, endosperm & embryo will be –
(1) 24, 36, 24 (2) 12, 36, 24
(3) 12, 24, 36 (4) 24, 12, 12

Ans: (2) 12, 36, 24

53. How many meiotic divisions are required to produce 40 seeds in the Capsella plant –
(1) 50 (2) 40
(3) 80 (4) 20

Ans: (1) 50

54. The number of nuclei taking part in double fertilization are –
(1) Two (2) Three
(3) Four (4) Five

Ans: (4) Five

55. In Angiosperm, if haploid number of chromosome is 12 then what will be the no. of chromosomes in integuments and synergids:
(1) 12, 12 (2) 24, 12
(3) 24, 24 (4) 12, 24

Ans: (2) 24, 12

56. How many meiotic divisions are required for the formation of 200 seeds of maize: (1) 200 (2) 400
(3) 250 (4) 300

Ans: (3) 250

57. In Angiosperm, if number of chromosomes in endosperm is 30, what will be the no. of chromosomes in nucellus –
(1) 15 (2) 30
(3) 20 (4) 40

Ans:(3) 20

58. Self-incompatibility:
I. is a device to prevent inbreeding
II. provides a biochemical block to self fertilization
III. ensures cross fertilization
IV. is governed by pollen-pistil interaction
V. is governed by series of multiple alleles
VI. prevents self pollen (from the same flower or other flowers of the same plant) from fertilising the ovules by inhibiting pollen germination of pollen tube growth in the pistil.
(1) All are correct
(2) All are wrong
(3) Only I, II, III are incorrect
(4) IV and V are wrong

Ans: (1) All are correct

59. Endosperm is completey consumed by developing embryo before the seed maturation or ex-albuminous/non-endospermic seeds are found in:
(1) pea, ground nut, beans
(2) coconut, castor
(3) maize, wheat, pea
(4) coconut, wheat

Ans: (1) pea, ground nut, beans

60. In albuminous seed, the food is stored in-
(1) Testa (2) Plumule
(3) Cotyledon (4) Endosperm

Ans: (4) Endosperm


61. One of the male gamete moves towards the egg cell & fuses with its nucleus; the process is known as: –
(1) Syngamy
(2) Triple fusion
(3) Double fertilization
(4) None

Ans: (1) Syngamy

62. Endosperm development precedes embryo development, the endosperm of angiospermic plant is: –
(1) Triploid (2) Diploid
(3) Haploid (4) Tetraploid

Ans: (1) Triploid

63. The part of pistil which acts as landing platform for pollen grain: –
(1) Stigma (2) Style
(3) Ovule (4) Overy

Ans: (1) Stigma

64. The inner most wall layer of anther is tapetum; the main function of tapetum is: –
(1) Divison (2) Support
(3) Nutrition (4) None

Ans: (3) Nutrition

65. Two non-motile male gamete in angiosperm is produced by: –
(1) Generative cell
(2) Microspore mother cell
(3) Vegetative cell
(4) Tube cell

Ans: (1) Generative cell

66. Which one of the following is false fruit? (1) Apple (2) Straw berry
(3) Cashew (4) All

Ans: (4) All

67. Aleurone layer that is protein rich found in some cereals is a part of: –
(1) Endosperm (2) Embryo
(3) Tegmen (4) Testa

Ans: (1) Endosperm

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